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Economical contributions of ANDISmonitor


Decrease of vehicle administration expenses

The system informs about possible car misuse and it can help to find that vehicle by locating it.

Lower insurance rate

By better route planning, shortening of car idling time, elimination of unauthorized driving and by controlling of driving style.

Decrease of car wear

Decrease of fuel expenses

Thanks to significant shortening of car idling time, elimination of unauthorized driving, obeying of speed limits, better route planning, more effective dispatching and the possibility to monitor fuel leaks and driving styles.


The system decreases the car operation costs by 20% average also thanks to the undermentioned positive effects

Thanks to earlier deliveries and the possibility to inform the customers more precisely about delivery time and its actual location.

By more effective vehicle use, better dispatching, more orders accomplished in the same time.

Greater customer satisfaction

Turnover increase support

Thanks to elimination of „where are you?“ calls and the possibility to send text messages to the drivers.

Thanks to more responsible behavior of the drivers and obeying of speed limits.

Lower phone bills

Lower risk of car crash and penalties

The system helps to increase productivity by 20% average also thanks to the following effects


Thanks to actual information about their location and status.

Using valuable information about vehicles and drivers the system delivers.

Better overview and control of work of employees in the field

Decision support for management and planning of car fleet

They know they are monitored and so they reach better performance and work more effectively.

Because the vehicles are monitored constantly.

Increase of employee discipline

Elimination of unauthorized driving


ANDISmonitor is bringing positive effects from the first day of usage. Even a few pointless kilometers or a couple of phone calls saved per day will more than pay for the system. Thus, the investments in it will return to you during the first months of its usage.

Thanks to automatic trips and report creation.

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© ANDIS 2015              ANDISmonitor system is owned, developed and operated by ANDIS, spol. s r.o. company


+421 (02) 5465 1881

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